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Showing posts from March, 2016

Is Amazon Competing With FedEx, UPS and DHL in the Package-Delivery Market?

©iStock/killerbayer When it comes to online activities, Amazon changed the way we shop, especially on books.  Just look at the state of Borders who turned over its online keys to Amazon back in the early days and Barnes and Noble who seems to operate only in big cities.  How are they fairing?  Now Amazon is not only opening brick and mortar bookstores but is changing the way we ship, or at least the choices we make when we buy from Amazon and have our merchandise delivered. ... Amazon has moved openly and aggressively to increase its reach, capabilities and capacity in the logistics and distribution arena. The Seattle-based company purchased thousands of trailers blazoned with Amazon logos in the U.S., registered as a non-vessel-operating common carrier to better manage the flow of goods from China to the U.S. and leased 20 U.S. domestic cargo planes from Air Transport Services Group. Are we in for market disruption in the logistics industry?

How to Create a Global Slam Dunk With a Product

©iStock/balbaz What do basketball and hot chocolate have in common.  If you are 11-year old Max Ash, that's an easy answer because he sees the world differently. “I’ve come up with the idea of a mug with a basketball hoop to throw marshmallows into hot chocolate,” Max said. So far Max has sold 44,000 of these mugs -- The Mug With a Hoop™ -- and made more than $1 million in retail sales.  But the truth of the matter is that Max is on a bigger mission beyond himself.  “That kids with dyslexia [which Max has] have good ideas but they learn differently." Read more:   Weston Boy's Mug Business Is Global Slam Dunk Related video:   Meet a Child Entrepreneur With Dyslexia and His Mom

An Artsy Joint: The Heartland Cafe in Rogers Park, Illinois

©2016 Laurel J. Delaney.  All rights reserved. The Heartland Cafe in Rogers Park, Illinois (USA) is a cultural icon in a diverse neighborhood that has been around since 1976. Known for its vegetarian dishes (although they do serve meat) and a quaint little general store that sells select items such as Newman's Own dark chocolate peanut butter cups and Kiss My Face body wash .  

Should Britain Remain in the European Union?

©iStock/Bank215 UK Prime Minister David Cameron recently announced a referendum to take place Thursday, June 23, 2016 on whether Britain should remain in the European Union. In the article below I cover why the vote is about to be held, who wants the UK to leave the EU and how the outcome of the vote might impact small and big businesses. Read the entire article:   What Happens to SME Trade if Britain Leaves the European Union (EU)?

Asia-Pacific Region Has Growth Potential in the Trade Service Sector

©iStock/Rat0007 In the Pacific Rim area, keeping trade and investment barriers in check and taking next steps to enable more people and businesses to take advantage will be an important determinant of future prosperity. "There is still considerable potential in the Asia-Pacific for growth in sectors like services trade and small business participation in supply chains," he [ APEC Secretariat Executive Director Dr. Alan Bollard ] continued. Read more:   Pacific Rim has growth potential for services trade and small businesses

Want to Be a Global Business Leader? Master These Skills.

©iStock/Rawpixel Doing business across borders and time zones requires that you must look beneath the tip of the cultural iceberg — the more obvious nuances such as proper attire, etiquette and greetings, says Julia Kruse , an innovator in global education and strategy. In the article below, she talks about seven skills you must master if you want to be a global business leader.  Here they are. Time orientation Individualism vs. collectivism Hierarchy and power distance Uncertainty avoidance Cooperative vs. competitive Low- and high-context Being vs. doing Read the entire article:   7 skills you must master if you want to be a global business leader

Which Presidential Candidate Will Step Up to Make the Case for Global Trade?

©iStock/gustavofrazao Interesting and spot on opinion piece by Morton Kondracke and Matthew J. Slaughter for The Wall Street Journal (3/16/16).  The authors talk about how the four leading USA presidential candidates are divided on so many topics yet stand united on one:  the assertion that trade hurts America. Donald Trump blasts that “foreigners are killing us on trade,” while Bernie Sanders inveighs against “disastrous trade agreements written by corporate America.” Ted Cruz laments that “we’re getting killed in international trade right now,” and after flipping her position on the TPP and other trade agreements, Hillary Clinton now promises that America will never again “be at the mercy of what any country is going to do to take advantage of our markets.” Read the entire opinion piece:   Make the Case for Trade

Today in Global Small Business: DHL Spurs Entrepreneurial Exports

©iStock/aprott What's affecting me, my clients, my colleagues and other global small business owners: Home office import/export -- some drawbacks (part III of III-part series). The debate over trade and the future of the working class. Why you should use Google Apps for work. Is there a global slowdown  in the UK? Growth in global e-commerce logistics may approach 10 percent in 2016-2020 period. DHL spurs entrepreneurial exports .

Post St. Patrick's Day: Binging On Irish Soda Bread

©2016 Laurel J. Delaney.  All rights reserved. Post-St. Patrick's Day:  Binging on Irish soda bread from Mariano's .  Meanwhile, I'll leave you with a good Irish quote: May your troubles be less and your blessings be more And nothing but happiness come through your door

Helping America’s Small Businesses Succeed in the Global Marketplace

©iStock/ismagilov What are two initiatives that have a proven track record of success in helping America’s small businesses compete and succeed in the global technology marketplace? Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Both of these programs are administered by the Small Business Administration (SBA). Learn more:   Reauthorize key small business programs | The Hill

Take Globalization to the Little Guy to the Market

©iStock/Marcoscisetti Demand for small businesses in the e-commerce sector has been growing. “We believe we have to develop a product or suite of products that allows us to take globalization for the little guy to the market,” said Kushniruk [executive vice president of business development at Avalara]. “When these customers are selling across borders or across countries, they really have to worry about shipping it, with landed cost, duties, excise, and tax. They need to collect the right VAT or sales tax and most importantly pay the tax.” Expanding internationally can be challenging.  Get your ducks in a row and be sure to consult with experts in the field who can guide you on taxation issues country by country. Read more:   Removing the pain of sales tax compliance ©2016 Laurel J. Delaney Separately, have a Happy St. Patricks's Day -- one of my favorite days of the year! If you are lucky to be Irish ... You're lucky enough!

One Way to Grow? Find New Markets Globally.

©iStock/alisha5 How do you get companies to seize opportunities in the current global environment?  Singapore has some ideas and they focus on the external economy. So, the renewed push [by the government] is not so much about Singapore not having done well in the internationalisation story. Rather, it is about getting the companies to seize the opportunities in the current global downturn. We all know that finding new markets through globalization is one way for the companies to grow. Read more:   Going global -- will more government help make a difference?

The 2016 U.S. Presidential Race Is On!

©iStock/aqabiz The 2016 U.S. presidential race is on.  Some highlights: Trump Wants to Dismantle the International System Why Donald Trump Is Wrong About Manufacturing Jobs and China Kasich Hopes Nice-Guy Style Will Thwart Trump in Ohio Cruz:  I've 'Always Opposed TPP,' 'We're Getting Killed in International Trade Right Now' In Ohio, Hillary Clinton Strengthens Opposition to Trans-Pacific Partnership Rubio, Cruz, Kasich All Backed Obamatrade, Pretend They Didn't at Miami Debate Bernie Sanders hits Hillary Clinton on Free Trade Agreements

Today in Global Small Business: The Rise of the Global Small Business Economy

©iStock/remco86 What's affecting me, my clients, my colleagues and other global small business owners: Drawbacks to consider with a home office import/export business:  Parts I , II and III . The rise of the global small business economy. How to link small businesses to international markets. Anyone who still thinks trade agreements are effective and is willing to say so in public besides Laurel Delaney? Speaking of trade ... the Pew Research Center has a few words on it as it relates to China. How ten percent of Hult students from the Class of 2015 started their own business.

The Small Business Myth of Job Creation

I have been a small business owner for my entire business career. Most of those small businesses have been real estate ventures of come type such as real estate brokerages, property management and owning different types of real estate. But I have also owned and been involved in insurance, restaurants, bars, garment factories, hotels, building and general contracting, convenience stores, food marts and gas stations. I was a partner in my first small business, a diner, at age 18. Even while I worked as an employee in someone else's small business, I owned and operated several of my own at the same time. I have only worked for one large corporation, and I hated every minute of the time spent there. I was employed for less than a month before I quit. I felt as if I were in prison. My boss was someone who had been in his position for many years, and he was counting the days so he could begin his impending retirement. Some of my co-workers were spending more time thinking up ways of no

Small Business Financing Options

There's no question that the financial crisis and ensuing credit crunch have made it more difficult than ever to secure small business financing and raise capital. This is especially true for fast-growth companies, which tend to consume more resources in order to feed their growth. If they aren't careful, they can literally grow themselves right out of business. Amidst all the gloom and doom, however, it's important to keep one thing in mind: There are still options available for small business financing. It's simply a matter of knowing where to look and how to prepare. Where to Look There are three main sources you can turn to for small business financing: Commercial Banks - These are the first source most owners think of when they think about small business financing. Banks loan money that must be repaid with interest and usually secured by collateral pledged by the business in case it can't repay the loan. On the positive side, debt is relatively inexpensive, esp

Small Business Loan Calculator Features and Benefits

The small business loan calculator has proven to be one of the most useful devices when it comes to calculating a number of commercial real estate investments. Mortgage calculators can be especially important tools of the trade in a few different areas; whether figuring out interest payments only or going with the ebb and flow of adjustable rate contracts, keeping an eye on these figures throughout the duration of most any given property transaction can be beneficial in many ways. Those who've used SBA loans in the past have been able to rely on small business loan calculator settings to carry them through each phase of the commercial loans process. No matter the case, having access to a number of online mortgage calculators can make life much easier when dealing with a variety of lending scenarios. Even when dealing with small loans, the price of doing business can eventually work to the advantage of the borrower. The same principle applies to those who qualify for unsecured

Small Business Investments

State laws have been relaxed to make it easier for small business to raise start-up and growth financing from the public. Many investors view this as an opportunity to get in on the ground floor of an emerging business and to hit it big as the small businesses grow into large ones. Statistically, most small businesses fail within the first few years. Small business investments are among the most risky that investors can make. This guide suggests factors to consider for determining whether you should make a small business investment. Risks and investment strategy A basic principle of investing in a small business is: Never make small business investments that you cannot afford to lose! Never use funds that may be needed for other purposes, such as college education, retirement, loan repayment, or medical expenses. Instead, use funds that would otherwise be used for a consumer purchase, such as a vacation or a down payment on a boat or a new car. Above all, never let a commissioned secu

Top 10 Marketing Books for Small Business Owners

Unlike big business owners, small business owners have the burden of taking care of every single aspect of their business - recruitment, marketing, finance, accounts, managing employees to managing vendors, and so forth. But here we focused only on books that can help you gain marketing knowledge and skills. Here are the top 10 books on marketing which we believe are helpful for new as well as established small business owners. Book # 1: The New Rules of Marketing & PR - David Meerman Scott In the new marketing scenario, the methods such as ad copy, etc. do not bring results for your business. With the popularity of smartphones and other devices and proliferation of the Internet, new methods, rules, etc. of marketing have evolved. This book discusses the importance and benefits of using such techniques. David M Scott provides fresh examples of success from various industries and businesses across the world. He highlights the new tools and techniques that marketers should use to c

Small Business Management

Running a small, start-up business has it share of ups and downs. When I launched my company nearly nine years ago, running my own small business has been both rewarding and challenging. It has enabled me to establish greater balance in my life as I have reduced the administrative burden that corporate America places on each of its employees and replaced it with more time spent on developing content for my clients. Given the choice, running my own small business is the best option for me at this stage of my life. I can work out of my house, see my kid on a regular basis, focus my work effort on content, rather than administration, and yes golf a tad. That being said, I am asked continually by others "what is it like to be in business for yourself?" as they contemplate the leap from corporate to sole proprietorship. While it is not for everyone, here are some of the points of consideration that one should mull over before making the jump to starting your own small business:

Business Is Simple, Man Is Complicated

Business is simple, so simple! However, when Man brings his complication into business operation and practice, failure becomes commonplace! There's a misleading theory widespread in the secular world, the consequence of a theory established by so-called business experts deluded by satanic insight in the marketplace of the world. According to this theory, world's leading business and investment organizations like Bloomberg theorize that 8 out of 10 entrepreneurs who start businesses fail within the first 18 months - a whopping 80% failure rate. According to CNBC, the number of small-business failures exceeded the number of start-ups for the first time in the year (2014). While 400,000 new businesses are being created annually, 470,000 are closing, leaving a deficit of 70,000, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. According to the Small Business Association (SBA), 30% of new businesses fail during the first two years of being open, 50% during the first five years and 66% during

Internet Marketing for Small Business

As a small business owner it's our natural tendency to approach everything with a hint of skepticism. There are so many 'next big things' that it's oftentimes difficult to distinguish between a passing trend and a legitimate evergreen marketing strategy for a small business. Skepticism or no, I'm willing to bet that by now you've started seriously eyeing Internet marketing for small business as a viable addition to your advertising repertoire; you're starting to realize that this is something worth jumping on. Let's face it - Your competitors are doing it, so you should do it too lest you unknowingly give up a foothold in your niche. Wait Just a Minute - What is Internet Marketing, Exactly? Before we go any further I think it's worth taking some time to clarify exactly what we're referring to when we say ' Internet Marketing' . If you've done any research at all on the topic of small business online marketing, you've probably see

Prepping for St. Patty's Day

Catch all the great activities in Chicago for St. Patrick's Day. Photos courtesy:  ©2014-2015 Laurel J. Delaney.  All rights reserved.

What's a Global Phenomenon?

©iStock/lenscap67 What's a global phenomenon?  Some think it's the movie Star Wars. In the weeks leading up to the premiere of the latest movie in the franchise, there was much discussion online about the different international trailers. The article below talks about the five basic principles to building customer communities globally, and the widely available tools you can implement them with. Read more:   Five Basic Rules for Building Customer Communities Globally

Small Digital Businesses Tap Into Global Trade Routes

©iStock/maystra When it comes to the UK marketplace, eBay says that its Small Business Exports Index shows that of the 200,000 small digital UK firms trading: "93% fulfilled overseas sales in 2015, with each exporting to an average of 20 different territories This compares to just 28% of businesses without an online presence These British online businesses have an annual growth rate of 12%." Small digital businesses are keen to tap into global trade routes for growth. The top five most popular destinations for British exports via eBay are: United States Australia Germany France Italy In the article below,  Kit Glover, Director of Professional Selling & Cross Border Trade at eBay , offers top tips for UK small online retailers exporting overseas.  Check them out. Digital businesses vital in quest to it trade targets, says eBay

When International Expansion Doesn’t Go as Planned

©iStock/scyther5 (This post is sponsored by:   True Partners Consulting ) Despite your best intentions, hard work, and diligent planning, sometimes your expansion into a new territory doesn’t quite go as expected. You might find yourself with an operational footprint in a country that doesn’t reflect your current business needs. Perhaps you’ve outgrown your initial business plan (great!), or you’re facing a merger, acquisition or joint venture opportunity? Or, maybe you need to wind down operations completely and exit the country. Whatever situation you’re facing, changing your operations on the ground in a foreign territory can often be more challenging than setting them up in the first place. There are many obligations and requirements that must be addressed, and they often have an impact on one another.  Here are four. 1.  Track your corporate footprint. The corporate footprint you established initially may not be right for your current business needs. Be sure to understand what you

Honoring Women Worldwide

©2016 Women Entrepreneurs GROW Global .  With permission. Today is International Women's Day ( #PledgeForParity ) and what that means is this:  We pay tribute to women worldwide who have changed the course of history, sometimes in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles.  Is that you?  If so ... share your aspirations with the world:   #OneDayIWill At the same time see what Women Entrepreneurs GROW Global is up to as well.  They hope to change the course of history too.

Today in Global Small Business: Stripe Helps Global Entrepreneurs Incorporate in USA

©iStock/MattZ90 What's affecting me, my clients, my colleagues and other global small business owners: Small businesses:  Don't write off the European Union . The global e-commerce transition . Whoa.  Lookout.  Stripe unveils a new product to help international entrepreneurs incorporate in this country. What entrepreneurs can learn from underdogs ( video ). As world slows , U.S. economy chugs along. Some women entrepreneurs compromise on dreams to fit into societal norms.

Best Pizza in Lemont, Illinois: Gelsosomo's Pizzeria

History on Gelsosomo's: Born into an Italian family in Roseland, a South Chicago Italian neighborhood, Tom Gelsosomo has always loved great Italian food. As an aspiring young entrepreneur who had worked hard in restaurants in the late 1970’s, Tom wanted to share his love for Italian food with people through his Gelsosomo’s Pizzeria restaurant concept. Tom decided to open his first restaurant in Portage, Indiana in 1979. I gave Gelsosomo's a try and it's delicious!  Learn more:   Gelsosomo's Pizzeria Photos:  ©2016 Laurel J. Delaney.  All rights reserved.

Facebook Woos Small Businesses Worldwide on Advertising

©iStock/tanuha2001 Facebook is making it easier for small businesses to show what they "bring to the world" with their new business tool called ' Your Business Story '.  Further, the number of advertisers using Facebook has doubled over the past two years, with more than 70 percent of businesses buying ads are from outside the US.  The largest increase in interest is from Southeast Asia. Read more:   Facebook hits 3 million advertisers and reveals plan to woo small businesses

Do Not Ignore New Technologies

©iStock/antoniokhr Advancements in digital technology have disrupted traditional business models and leveled the playing field for small businesses, allowing them to go global at a swift speed.  Technology also lowers barriers to entry for start-ups, giving them opportunities to experiment with new business models. The problem is small businesses are not seeking out these new digital solutions that they can take advantage of.  They take a wait and see attitude which can lead to a stall on growth.  Yet: Professional services firm PricewaterhouseCooper estimated that businesses can unlock an additional $49.2 billion in the private sector over the next decade if technologies are used to their full potential. Read more:   Report:  Small Businesses Losing Out By Ignoring New Technologies