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Showing posts with the label Business

Small Business Financing Options

There's no question that the financial crisis and ensuing credit crunch have made it more difficult than ever to secure small business financing and raise capital. This is especially true for fast-growth companies, which tend to consume more resources in order to feed their growth. If they aren't careful, they can literally grow themselves right out of business. Amidst all the gloom and doom, however, it's important to keep one thing in mind: There are still options available for small business financing. It's simply a matter of knowing where to look and how to prepare. Where to Look There are three main sources you can turn to for small business financing: Commercial Banks - These are the first source most owners think of when they think about small business financing. Banks loan money that must be repaid with interest and usually secured by collateral pledged by the business in case it can't repay the loan. On the positive side, debt is relatively inexpensive, esp

Small Business Loan Calculator Features and Benefits

The small business loan calculator has proven to be one of the most useful devices when it comes to calculating a number of commercial real estate investments. Mortgage calculators can be especially important tools of the trade in a few different areas; whether figuring out interest payments only or going with the ebb and flow of adjustable rate contracts, keeping an eye on these figures throughout the duration of most any given property transaction can be beneficial in many ways. Those who've used SBA loans in the past have been able to rely on small business loan calculator settings to carry them through each phase of the commercial loans process. No matter the case, having access to a number of online mortgage calculators can make life much easier when dealing with a variety of lending scenarios. Even when dealing with small loans, the price of doing business can eventually work to the advantage of the borrower. The same principle applies to those who qualify for unsecured

Small Business Investments

State laws have been relaxed to make it easier for small business to raise start-up and growth financing from the public. Many investors view this as an opportunity to get in on the ground floor of an emerging business and to hit it big as the small businesses grow into large ones. Statistically, most small businesses fail within the first few years. Small business investments are among the most risky that investors can make. This guide suggests factors to consider for determining whether you should make a small business investment. Risks and investment strategy A basic principle of investing in a small business is: Never make small business investments that you cannot afford to lose! Never use funds that may be needed for other purposes, such as college education, retirement, loan repayment, or medical expenses. Instead, use funds that would otherwise be used for a consumer purchase, such as a vacation or a down payment on a boat or a new car. Above all, never let a commissioned secu

Small Business Management

Running a small, start-up business has it share of ups and downs. When I launched my company nearly nine years ago, running my own small business has been both rewarding and challenging. It has enabled me to establish greater balance in my life as I have reduced the administrative burden that corporate America places on each of its employees and replaced it with more time spent on developing content for my clients. Given the choice, running my own small business is the best option for me at this stage of my life. I can work out of my house, see my kid on a regular basis, focus my work effort on content, rather than administration, and yes golf a tad. That being said, I am asked continually by others "what is it like to be in business for yourself?" as they contemplate the leap from corporate to sole proprietorship. While it is not for everyone, here are some of the points of consideration that one should mull over before making the jump to starting your own small business:

Business Is Simple, Man Is Complicated

Business is simple, so simple! However, when Man brings his complication into business operation and practice, failure becomes commonplace! There's a misleading theory widespread in the secular world, the consequence of a theory established by so-called business experts deluded by satanic insight in the marketplace of the world. According to this theory, world's leading business and investment organizations like Bloomberg theorize that 8 out of 10 entrepreneurs who start businesses fail within the first 18 months - a whopping 80% failure rate. According to CNBC, the number of small-business failures exceeded the number of start-ups for the first time in the year (2014). While 400,000 new businesses are being created annually, 470,000 are closing, leaving a deficit of 70,000, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. According to the Small Business Association (SBA), 30% of new businesses fail during the first two years of being open, 50% during the first five years and 66% during

Internet Marketing for Small Business

As a small business owner it's our natural tendency to approach everything with a hint of skepticism. There are so many 'next big things' that it's oftentimes difficult to distinguish between a passing trend and a legitimate evergreen marketing strategy for a small business. Skepticism or no, I'm willing to bet that by now you've started seriously eyeing Internet marketing for small business as a viable addition to your advertising repertoire; you're starting to realize that this is something worth jumping on. Let's face it - Your competitors are doing it, so you should do it too lest you unknowingly give up a foothold in your niche. Wait Just a Minute - What is Internet Marketing, Exactly? Before we go any further I think it's worth taking some time to clarify exactly what we're referring to when we say ' Internet Marketing' . If you've done any research at all on the topic of small business online marketing, you've probably see