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Showing posts with the label global payments

Global Payment Considerations in the Digital Marketplace

©iStock/Rostisiav_Sedlacek Everybody is jumping into the global payment digital marketplace.  Why not?  It's lucrative due to the vast number of consumers who will use the system; but, there is no single silver bullet that will take care of the needs of everyone worldwide. Take, for example, MasterCard's zero liability promise  that claims it is going global.  Or, how about global payments giant First Data who goes it alone against banks ?  And ACI Worldwide expands its global online payments.   Yet Apple Pay  and Square have a long way to go on the global front with much catching up to do against PayPal . The choices for an online payment system are endless .  How you decide which system to use depends on who your customers are, where they are located, what you are selling and the volume of your transactions.  It's a booming business.   Alibaba proves the return on investment can be huge on global payments with their recent "Singles Day" using Alipay .